Darlington Public Artworks

Darlington Public Artworks (2020)

The Tjilbruke Dreaming is the best-known Dreaming narrative of the Kaurna people and is based on a complex and multilayered story of creation, law and human relationship.

Puru Yuwanthi (Still Standing)
Tjilbruke is a pukiana miyu Ancestor being of the Kaurna miyurna people and was from the time after the sea waters had risen and created wangka yarlu (Gulf St Vincent). Within the dreaming, Tjilbruke travels to the big camp at Warriparinga (Darlington) where he finds the body of his nephew and carries the body to the freshwater spring at Tulukutangga (Kingston Park).

Purruna Martinthi (To Cradle Life)
Water and fire are essential to living and giving life. The child form expresses strength and reflects the importance of family. The Coolamon acts as a vessel for family, fire and water and is grounded in the big camp at Warriparinga (Darlington).

Allan Sumner & Karl Meyer in association with Exhibition Studios

  • Date February 18, 2021
  • Tags Adelaide, Design, Sculpture, South Australia